Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Question? What do a fish, a mouse, California*, and a whole lot of 1st graders have to do with each other?

Answer: A 1st grade Leo Lionni author study!!! :)

The 1st graders had a blast talking about Mr. Lionni's artistic style as well as making text-to-self connections with the books and their own lives. Check out the books that we studied last week! 

When his friend, the tadpole, becomes a frog and leaves the pond to explore the world, the little fish decides that maybe he doesn't have to remain in the pond either.

Swimmy, a small black fish, finds a way to protect a school of small red fish from their natural enemies.

**When we read Swimmy, the students were able to take a "trip" to California through the magic of the Internet!! Using the AMAZING Monterrey Bay Aquarium website, the students watched the live webcams of habitats of fish, otters, and penguins (Paz the Library Penguin would be proud!)!! Check it out for yourself! Click here!

Alexander, the mouse, makes friends with Willy, a toy mouse, and wants to be just like him until he discovers that Willy is to be thrown away.

Frederick, the poet mouse, stores up something special for the long, cold winter.

The students not only learned a lot about Lio Lionni's books but they were also able to learn about nouns and adjectives as well as make predictions about what life  would be like if we skipped the season of summer!! This week was a fantastic week! Want to read other books by Leo Lionni? Check out the online catalog!

Check out these other amazing videos with the author himself.

Happy reading! :)

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