PISD Databases
With MackinVIA, it is your key to the databases that are available to Prosper ISD students. Included in the PISD subscription are EBSCO, World Book, & PebbleGO. All you need is the campus-specific username and password. Please email the Mrs. Mattei at esmattei@prosper-isd.net if you don't remember your PISD username and password. Also, you can download the FREE MackinVIA app to your Apple or Android device and you will have access to these databases anytime! Click the image below to begin your research journey!
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Reference Sites
1. Almanacs:• Fact Monster Almanac: http://www.factmonster.com/almanacs.html
• Info Please: http://www.infoplease.com/almanacs.html
• Texas Almanac: http://www.texasalmanac.com/
• Old Farmer’s Almanac: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/
2. Current Events:
• Frontline: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/
• Headline Spot: http://headlinespot.com/
• Scholastic News: http://teacher.scholastic.com/scholasticnews/
• Dallas Morning News: http://www.dallasnews.com/
• Homework Center: Social Issues: http://www.multcolib.org/homework/sochc.html
3. Also accessible through Gale Databases.
• 50 States: http://50states.com/
• Atlapedia: http://www.atlapedia.com/
• A&E Biography: http://www.biography.com/
4. Citation aides:
• Noodle Bib Express: http://www.noodletools.com/login.php
• Citation Machine: http://citationmachine.net/
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Helpful Sites
1. Search Engines:
• KidsClick!: http://www.kidsclick.org/ • WiseNut: http://www.go.com/
2. Dictionaries:
• Word Central: http://www.wordcentral.com/
• Merriam-Webster Online: http://www.m-w.com/
• Math Dictionary: http://www.amathsdictionaryforkids.com/
• Rhyming Dictionary: http://www.rhymezone.com/
3. Thesaurus:
• Thesaurus.com: http://thesaurus.reference.com/
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Fun Stuff
Fun Stuff
Wacky Web Tales - http://www.eduplace.com/tales/
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Love E-Books?
Check out Storyline Online for e-books that are read by celebrities.
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Still stumped for ideas?
Check out these amazing sites!
1. Tumblebooks - This is an AMAZING site for young readers! You must sign in to enjoy the Tumblebooks and games. Please email Mrs. Mattei to retrieve the username and password.
2. Starfall - Starfall is a fantastic website to help young readers to fine-tune their literacy skills.
3. Frisco Public Library's Youth Section - Still stumped? Check out the Frisco Public Library's Book Nook for a comprehensive list of 'good reads!'
Web site evaluation lesson
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Teacher's Corner!
Teachers, did you know that you can easily schedule the librarian? Mrs. Mattei would LOVE to help you and your students learn and grow! Here's what you can schedule the library for:
Web site evaluation lesson
Plagiarism lesson
Citation lesson
Library databases lesson
Using the online catalog lesson
Author studies
Research units
Locating materials in the library
Check in and check out
Sources lesson (what we have)
Sources lesson (primary vs. secondary)
Inquiry groups
Inquiry groups
Web quests
Mini-lessons on any topic
Book talks
Reader’s advisory
Student reader’s advisory
Student reader’s advisory
Student reader’s suggestions for others (bookmarks)
Student-made book commercials
Making book trailers
Pull books for classroom libraries
Pull books for units/topics
Library as one of your literacy centers
Reward time
Reader’s Theater sessions
Poetry readings
Please let us know what you need and we will gladly set you up! :)
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Tech Links:
1. Want to create cool logos for your blog? Check out Supalogo.com!
2. Want to add QR codes to your blog or email? Check out qrstuff.com/!
3. Don't know what to read next? Check out WhatShouldIReadNext.com!
4. Want to keep up with the latest and greatest in technology? Check out Mashable.com!
5. Want to create your own barcodes? Check out the Barcodes Inc.'s barcode generator site!
Learning Links:
Frisco ISD Links and Forms:
Please note: When using videos please consider:
- Instead of watching the whole video, select clips that pertain to the content being taught.
- Provide students with questions, on paper or the board, before the video so they may be aware of what it is you want them to gain.
- Always have an introduction and conclusion planned for the video or clip.
- Videos viewed at Sonntag Elementary must be approved by the campus principal using the video approval form. Once the principal has signed the form, please give the form and video to the librarian.