Thursday, October 25, 2012

The fall Book Fair was a wild success!! A bunch of new books were added to the Sonntag library as well as in classroom libraries because of YOU!

If you still want to shop, you can click the logo below or on the right side of the blog to access the Online Book Fair. Items purchased will be shipped directly to Sonntag with your student's name on them after the Online Book Fair closes on November 18. 

We will see you in February for our spring Book Fair! :)

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Book of the Day combines beautiful art and poetry. Award winning author Joyce Sidman and illustrator Beth Krommes united to create a beautiful book about swirls that happen throughout nature. Included at the end of the book is a guide that explains the various swirls found around the world. Check it out! Happy reading! :) 

by Joyce Sidman
Full-color illustrations spotlight examples of spirals that occur in nature. 

Want to know more about author Joyce Sidman? Click here!

Check out this nifty book trailer for this beautiful book! 

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Fall Book Fair is Coming!!

Click the image for more information!

Raise your hand if you LOVE the book Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett??!! I do!
Life is delicious in the town of Chewandswallow where it rains soup and juice, snows mashed potatoes, and blows storms of hamburgers--until the weather takes a turn for the worse.

If you raised your hand then I have a book for you!! Author Judi Barrett wrote a fantastic sequel to the epic book Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Check it out! Happy reading! :)

 Dozing off while contemplating Grandpa's unusual vacation, Kate dreams about Chewandswallow, a town where giant food falls from the sky and is shipped off to hungry people around the world.

Want to learn more about author Judi Barrett? Click here!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Attention all Origami Yoda fans!!!! This 'Book of the Day' is dedicated to you. Author Tom Angleberger's next installment of the Origami Yoda series is sure to please. Stop by and check The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee! Happy reading! :)

by Tom Angleberger 
McQuarrie Middle School's students miss Origami Yoda when Dwight leaves for Tippett Academy, but he sends Sara a paper Fortune Wookiee that seems to give advice just as good as Yoda's--even if, in the hands of girls, it seems preoccupied with romance.

Want to learn more about the Origami Yoda series or author Tom Angleberger? Click here

Want to learn how to make your very own Fortune Wookiee? Check this out!

The Sonntag library participated in the Texas Library Snapshot Day on Wednesday, October 3. The Texas Library Snapshot Day is an event that allows Texas libraries of all shapes and sizes give a glimpse into a day in the life of their programs and resources. Data was collected about the Sonntag library from the time the doors opened at 8:00 AM until the time it closed around 3:30 PM. This information was analyzed and sent to the Texas Library Association as well as Frisco ISD. The Library Snapshot Day was an eye-opening experience for the library staff because it showed how much library resources, library staff, as well as the library facility itself! Check out some of the data that was collected! Happy reading! :) 

* * * * *

(Check out this panorama pic of the Sonntag library!) 

* * * * * 

Number of Student/Parent/Teacher Visits: 321

Number of Computer Users (Check-ins/Checkouts/Computer searches): 340

Reference Questions: 76

Circulation Stats (Number of Check-ins & Checkouts): 497

Hits to Sonntag Library Blog: 45

Number of children (ages 0-12) participating in library programs: 309

Number of adults participating in library programs: 13

Number of students served by direct librarian instruction: 148

Number of teachers supported activities & collaborative efforts: 20

Number of student participating in non-class related activities: 40

Programs held on Snapshot Day: Preschool Storytime, Parent Library Volunteers, 7 class lessons & check-out

* * * * *

We hope you have enjoyed taking a look at one day in the Sonntag library! 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Image retrieved from

Attention all 4th graders! The Lonestar Storytelling Festival is on Friday, October 19th! It is going to be a fantastic event! The students in the years past have truly enjoyed hearing the creative storytellers from around our community as well as from all over the country. Check out more information about this unique festival below: 

Click on the names below to find out more information. Also, check out the videos of the storytellers that will be at the festival!

Event details: Click here!

FISD Study Trip details: Click here!

How to get involved: Click here!

Overview of the storytellers themselves: Click here
(August/September Edition)

Welcome back y'all! It has been a fantastic start to a fantastic year! The library program is in full swing! There have already been a lot of events in the library. Check out the statistics for August & September. Happy reading! :) 

Number of Whole Class Visits: 

Number of Total Items Circulated (Checkouts & Checkins)

Number of Items in Collection

Library Instruction/Programs/Community Outreach
Hosted a 'Book Blast' the first week of school and hosted nearly every class on campus
Promoted the 2011-2012 Texas Bluebonnet Award Program with 3-5 grades
Promoted the 2011-2012 2x2 Reading Program with Preschool-2nd grades
Presented a weekly Good Morning Sonntag Book Bits update
Updated the Where in the World Do You Read? board weekly 
Maintained student writer & new items displays to promote reading interests 
Updated a daily Fact of the Day by Mrs. Mattei fact
Open checkout every day for all Sonntag students, parents, and staff
Weekly preschool storytimes with future Sonntag students and families  
Hosted parent library volunteers
Kicked off Sonntag Staff Book Club for the 2012-2013 school year

Administrative Activities
Created a collection of books for each grade level that represented examples of reading levels as well as genre for Curriculum Night
Continued to plan the fall Book Fair
Collaborated with tech facilitator and fellow librarian to create tech-based activities for a pumpkin study with kindergarten
Helped to host Chick-fil-a Spirit Night with the Specials Team
Met with administration regarding my goals for the library for the 2012-2013 school year
Wrote a grant for the FEF Grants for Great Ideas in hopes of adding to our Playaway collection
Maintained the mobile app for the Sonntag Library
Maintained a forum for staff to discuss book club books
Attended PTA Board meeting
Adjusted the library schedule to accommodate classes for various activities 
Participated in the campus Curriculum Night to promote the library program
Contributed to Specials weekly newsletter
Purchased new library books and materials 
Updated library blog and Twitter account weekly
Planned weekly library lessons
Opened new parent accounts
Hosted new and returning library volunteers

Professional Development Activities 
Attended EdCampDallas in order to gain new ideas to implement technology in the library program
Attended campus meetings
Read and kept up with new professional library journals 
Attended district library meetings
Attended district library professional development programs 

On the Horizon...
Sonntag staff book club meeting in October
The fall Book Fair will be open from October 29-November 2 (more details to come)
More books for the library collection are on their way! 
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