Tuesday, December 13, 2011

- My Cup Runneth Over! -

I am absolutely thrilled!! I found out yesterday that I won the grant that I applied for through the Frisco Education Foundation!!! This grant will bring iPod Touches into the Sonntag library and the students will be able to connect to great books in new and unique ways. When the students want explore new authors or book trailers, I will not have to take the school's devices away from classroom use. Click here and check out how the school's devices have been used  by students in the library this year! The students are excited and I cannot wait to get these into the hands of students! Happy reading!

 Check out that check! 

Ask me about my great idea!


Unknown said...

Awesome news - congrats Mrs. Mattei!

Mrs. Mattei said...

Thank you, Mrs. Hamilton! I am so excited!! :)

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